06 May 2013

System Enginerring and other disciplines - SEBOK (5)

As discussed in the Scope and Context of the SEBoK topic, there are many touch points and overlaps between Systems Engineering (SE) and other disciplines. Systems engineers should have a basic understanding of the nature of these other disciplines, and often need to understand aspects of another discipline in detail. This article describes the landscape of disciplines that are intertwined with SE. For a closer view of the individual disciplines.

Engineering Disciplines Other than Systems Engineering

Engineering disciplines are mostly component-oriented and value-neutral in their intellectual content (Boehm and Jain 2006). Their underlying laws and equations, such as Ohm’s Law, Hooke’s Law, Newton’s Laws, Maxwell’s equations, the Navier-Stokes equations, Knuth’s compendia of sorting and searching algorithms, and Fitts’s Law of human movement, pertain to performance in a system of interest. They do not address how that performance contributes to the value propositions of stakeholders.

In contrast, SE is more holistic than component-oriented, and more stakeholder value-oriented than value-neutral performance-oriented in its intellectual content. Realizing successful systems requires reasoning with stakeholders about the relative value of alternative realizations, and about the organization of components and people into a system that satisfies the often-conflicting value propositions of stakeholders. Stakeholders who are critical to the system’s success include funders, owners, users, operators, maintainers, manufacturers, and safety and pollution regulators.

In some disciplines, the engineer evaluates and integrates design elements into a system that satisfies proxies of value. The wider the scope of the system of interest, the broader the set of SE skills the engineer needs.

For example, an aeronautical engineer might integrate mechanical, electrical, fluid, combustion-chemical, software, and cockpit design elements into a system that satisfies proxies of value like flight range, payload capacity, fuel consumption, maneuverability, and cost of production and maintenance. In so doing, the engineer operates partly as a systems engineer. The system of interest is the aircraft itself and the engineer applies aircraft-domain expertise.

However, the same engineer could participate in the engineering of passenger services, airport configurations, baggage handling, and local surface transportation options. All of these contribute to the value propositions of success-critical stakeholders. The systems of interest are wider, and the engineer needs broader SE knowledge, skills, and abilities to operate as a systems engineer.

The aircraft-domain expertise remains needed for effective engineering of the wider systems. As discussed in (Guest 1991), most good systems engineers are “T-shaped” people, with both a working knowledge of wider-system considerations, and a deep expertise in a relevant domain, such as aeronautical, manufacturing, software, or human factors engineering.

Engineering disciplines that are intertwined with SE include software engineering (SwE), human factors engineering, and industrial engineering. Software engineering (SwE) and SE are not just allied disciplines, they are intimately intertwined (Boehm 1994).

Most functionality of commercial and government systems is now implemented in software, and software plays a prominent or dominant role in differentiating competing systems in the marketplace. Software is usually prominent in modern systems architectures and is often the “glue” for integrating complex system components.

The scope of SwE includes both software SE and software construction, but does not include hardware SE. Thus neither SwE nor SE is a subset of the other. For a definition of the relationship between the SEBoK and the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), which is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Abran et al. 2004) and is currently under revision.

Human factors engineering, from micro-ergonomics to macro-ergonomics, is intertwined with SE (Booher 2003; Pew-Mavor 2007).

Industrial engineering overlaps significantly with SE in the industrial domain, but also includes manufacturing and other implementation activities outside of SE.

Finally, to field a successful system, a systems engineer may need to know one or more of the many specialty fields in engineering, e.g., security, safety, reliability, availability, and maintainability engineering. Most of these are considered professional disciplines in their own right and many have their own bodies of knowledge. For explanations of how these disciplines relate to SE, overviews of what most systems engineers need to know about them, and references within their bodies of knowledge.

Non-Engineering Disciplines

SE is intimately intertwined with two non-technical disciplines: technical management (TM), and procurement and acquisition (also known as acquisition and procurement).

Technical management often falls within the purview of a systems engineer. Many SE textbooks, competency models, and university programs include material about TM. TM is a specialization of project management (PM). SE and PM have significant common content in TM, but neither is a subset of the other. For a definition of the relationship between the SEBoK and the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, which is published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) (PMI 2008).

Procurement and acquisition practitioners draw upon SE to determine the scope and overall requirements of the system to be procured or acquired. They then prepare requests for proposals and statements of work, determine evaluation criteria, and design source selection processes. Once a leading source is selected, they decide upon contracting options that encompass payments, reviews, audits, incentive fees, acceptance criteria, procedures, and the nature of deliverables. Finally, they monitor progress with respect to plans (including those for SE), and negotiate and execute changes and corrective actions. Many of these activities amount to specialty disciplines within procurement and acquisition.

Características de la implementación de un ERP (29)

Algunos de las características que son visibles en la organización cuando se va a implementar un ERP metódicamente son:

Complejidad. Un sistema ERP es uno de los sistemas integrados más complejos en la actualidad dentro de la categoría de sistemas de información. Incluye una amplia gama de aplicaciones que dan servicio a diferentes procesos organizacionales. El grado de diferenciación entre las aplicaciones que conforman el ERP es alto y el grado de dificultad de implementar. La complejidad que lleva consigo es de alto riesgo. Debido a esto, una de las tareas más importantes en el comienzo del proyecto es definir las fronteras y los alcances del sistema, para poder hacer que toda la implementación gire en torno a estos límites previamente definidos.

Flexibilidad. Dentro de la estrategia de la organización es importante que está defina claramente el mayor alcance del sistema de acuerdo a las características de la empresa para maximizar el aprovechamiento del sistema ERP que le permita crear nuevas ventajas competitivas y mantener las ventajas competitivas obtenidas.

Alcance de la aplicación. La implantación del nuevo sistema ERP debe ofrecer una única solución que abarque todas las áreas de la organización. Para ello se requiere que la alta administración esté 100% involucrada, ya que siempre habrán problemas muy comunes que pueden aparecer.

Infraestructura tecnológica. En la mayoría de las organizaciones, la implantación del ERP requiere reemplazar y/o optimizar la infraestructura existente. Esta actividad puede incrementar el riesgo del proyecto, ya que el proyecto recibe una importante inyección de capital adicional, se requiere habilidades de especialización y, en algunos casos, la posibilidad de parar el negocio temporalmente para su implantación. Por ello esta posibilidad debe ser considerada desde el inicio mismo del proyecto.

Cambios en los procesos organizacionales. La implementación del ERP implica un cambio masivo en los procesos de trabajo y en los flujos de la información. Por naturaleza, introducir cambios es un proceso políticamente difícil que puede mostrar la resistencia de grupos o personas conservadoras. Por ello, una vez tomada la decisión de la implementación, se debe incluir una campaña de publicidad para dar a conocer y «promocionar» el sistema a lo largo y ancho de la compañía.

Intensidad de la relación con el proveedor del sistema. El éxito del proyecto depende plenamente de que exista una buena relación con el proveedor y del tamaño del sistema que se está implantando. Aunque el riesgo aumentará dependiendo del grado de experiencia del proveedor en empresas similares, el grado de dependencia debido a la escasa transferencia de conocimiento a la organización, y a que la empresa proveedora sea financieramente estable.

Involucramiento de los usuarios. Hay estudios que demuestran que el involucramiento de los usuarios finales y los desarrolladores es muy importante, además el grado de habilidades de los usuarios es un factor clave para el éxito del sistema.