03 August 2007

OPF y OPD en CMMi DEV v1.2 (8)

Organizational Process Focus (OPF)

Esta área de proceso (AP), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, ayuda a que la organización pueda planear, implementar y desplegar las mejoras del proceso organizacional basadas en el entendimiento de las fortalezas y debilidades de los procesos de la organización. Algunas de las posibles mejoras son: (1) propuestas de mejoramiento del proceso, (2) medición de los procesos, (3) lecciones aprendidas de la implementación de los procesos y (4) resultados de la evaluación de los procesos y de las actividades de evaluación del producto. OPF se relaciona con OPD (Organizational Process Definition).

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Determine Process-Improvement Opportunities

SP 1.1 Establish Organizational Process Needs

1.1.1- Identify the policies, standards, and business objectives that are applicable to the organization's processes. 1.1.2- Examine relevant process standards and models for best practices. 1.1.3- Determine the organization’s process-performance objectives. 1.1.4- Define the essential characteristics of the organization’s processes. 1.1.5- Document the organization’s process needs and objectives. 1.1.6- Revise the organization’s process needs and objectives as needed.

SP 1.2 Appraise the Organization’s Processes

1.2.1- Obtain sponsorship of the process appraisal from senior management. 1.2.2- Define the scope of the process appraisal. 1.2.3- Determine the method and criteria for process appraisal. 1.2.4- Plan, schedule, and prepare for the process appraisal.. 1.2.5- Conduct the process appraisal. 1.2.6- Document and deliver the appraisal’s activities and findings

SP 1.3 Identify the Organization's Process Improvements

1.3.1- Determine candidate process improvements. 1.3.2- Prioritize the candidate process improvements. 1.3.3- Identify and document the process improvements that will be implemented. 1.3.4- Revise the list of planned process improvements to keep it current.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son: - Organization’s process needs and objectives (SP 1.1) - Plans for the organization's process appraisals (SP 1.2) - Appraisal findings that address strengths and weaknesses of the organization's processes (SP 1.2) - Improvement recommendations for the organization's processes (SP 1.2) - Analysis of candidate process improvements (SP 1.3) - Identification of improvements for the organization's processes (SP 1.3)

SG 2 - Plan and Implement Process-Improvement Activities

SP 2.1 Establish Process Action Plans

2.1.1- Identify strategies, approaches, and actions to address the identified process improvements. 2.1.2- Establish process action teams to implement the actions. 2.1.3- Document process action plans. 2.1.4- Review and negotiate process action plans with relevant stakeholders. 2.1.5- Review process action plans as necessary.

SP 2.2 - Implement Process Action Plans

2.2.1- Make process action plans readily available to relevant stakeholders. 2.2.2- Negotiate and document commitments among the process action teams and revise their process action plans as necessary. 2.2.3- Track progress and commitments against process action plans. 2.2.4- Conduct joint reviews with the process action teams and relevant stakeholders to monitor the progress and results of the process actions. 2.2.5- Plan pilots needed to test selected process improvements. 2.2.6- Review the activities and work products of process action teams. 2.2.7- Identify, document, and track to closure issues in implementing process action plans. 2.2.8- Ensure that the results of implementing process action plans satisfy the organization’s process improvement objectives.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son: - Organization's approved process action plans (SP 2.1) - Commitments among the various process action teams (SP 2.2) - Status and results of implementing process action plans (SP 2.2) - Plans for pilots (SP 2.2)

SG3 - Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Lessons Learned

SP 3.1 Deploy Organizational Process Assets

3.1.1- Deploy organizational process assets across the organization. 3.1.2- Document the changes to the organizational process assets. 3.1.3- Deploy the changes that were made to the organizational process assets across the organization. 3.1.4- Provide guidance and consultation on the use of the organizational process assets.

SP 3.2 - Deploy Standard Processes

3.2.1- Identify projects within the organization that are starting up. 3.2.2- Identify active projects that would benefit from implementing the organization’s current set of standard processes. 3.2.3- Establish plans to implement the organization’s current set of standard processes on the identified projects. 3.2.4- Assist projects in tailoring the organization’s set of standard processes to meet project needs. 3.2.5- Maintain records of tailoring and implementing processes on the identified projects. 3.2.6- Ensure that the defined processes resulting from process tailoring are incorporated into the plans for process-compliance audits. 3.2.7- As the organization’s set of standard processes are updated, identify which projects should implement the changes.

SP 3.3 - Monitor Implementation

3.3.1- Monitor projects for their use of the organization’s process assets and changes to them. 3.3.2- Review selected process artifacts created during the life of each project. 3.3.3- Review the results of process-compliance evaluations to determine how well the organization’s set of standard processes has been deployed. 3.3.4- Identify, document, and track to closure issues related to implementing the organization’s set of standard processes.

SP 3.4 - Incorporate Process Related Experiences into the Organizational Process Assets

3.4.1- Conduct periodic reviews of the effectiveness and suitability of the organization’s set of standard processes and related organizational process assets relative to the organization’s business objectives. 3.4.2- Obtain feedback about the use of the organizational process assets. 3.4.3- Derive lessons learned from defining, piloting, implementing, and deploying the organizational process assets. 3.4.4- Make available lessons learned to the people in the organization as appropriate. 3.4.5- Analyze the organization's common set of measures. 3.4.6- Appraise the processes, methods, and tools in use in the organization and develop recommendations for improving the organizational process assets. 3.4.7- Make the best of the organization's processes, methods, and tools available to the people in the organization as appropriate. 3.4.8- Manage process improvement proposals. 3.4.9- Establish and maintain records of the organization's process improvement activities.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son: - Plans for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them across the organization (SP 3.1) - Training materials for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them (SP 3.1) - Documentation of changes to organizational process assets (SP 3.1) - Support materials for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them (SP 3.1)

- Organization's list of projects and status of process deployment on each project (i.e., existing and planned projects) (SP 3.2) - Guidelines for deploying the organization’s set of standard processes on new projects (SP 3.2) - Records of tailoring the organization’s set of standard processes and implementing them on identified projects (SP 3.2) - Results of monitoring process implementation on projects (SP 3.3) - Status and results of process-compliance evaluations (SP 3.3) - Results of reviewing selected process artifacts created as part of process tailoring and implementation (SP 3.3)

- Process improvement proposals (SP 3.4) - Process lessons learned (SP 3.4) - Measurements on the organizational process assets (SP 3.4) - Improvement recommendations for the organizational process assets (SP 3.4) - Records of the organization's process improvement activities (SP 3.4) - Information on the organizational process assets and improvements to them (SP 3.4)

Organizational Process Definition (OPD) + IPPD

Esta AP, perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, establece y mantiene el conjunto de procesos estándares de la organización, estándares de ambiente de trabajo y otras consideraciones (descripciones de los modelos del ciclo de vida, pautas para el desarrollo de los procesos, y datos / documentación relacionada al proceso) basadas en las necesidades del proyecto y en los objetivos de la organización. Con la incorporación de IPPD, OPD + IPPD suministra reglas y pautas para los proyectos. OPD se relaciona con OPF (Organizational Process Focus).

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Establish Organizational Process Assets

SP 1.1 Establish Standard Processes

1.1.1- Decompose each standard process into constituent process elements to the detail needed to understand and describe the process. 1.1.2- Specify the critical attributes of each process element. 1.1.3- Specify the relationships of the process elements. 1.1.4- Ensure that the organization's set of standard processes adheres to applicable policies, standards, and models. 1.1.5- Ensure that the organization’s set of standard processes satisfies the process needs and objectives of the organization. 1.1.6- Ensure that there is appropriate integration among the processes that are included in the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.1.7- Document the organization's set of standard processes. 1.1.8- Conduct peer reviews on the organization's set of standard processes. 1.1.9- Revise the organization's set of standard processes as necessary.

SP 1.2 - Establish Life-Cycle Model Descriptions

1.2.1- Select lifecycle models based on the needs of projects and the organization. 1.2.2- Document the descriptions of the lifecycle models. 1.2.3- Conduct peer reviews on the lifecycle models. 1.2.4- Revise the descriptions of the lifecycle models as necessary.

SP 1.3 - Establish Tailoring Criteria and Guidelines

1.3.1- Specify the selection criteria and procedures for tailoring the organization's set of standard processes 1.3.2- Specify the standards for documenting the defined processes. 1.3.3- Specify the procedures for submitting and obtaining approval of waivers from the requirements of the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.3.4- Document the tailoring guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes. 1.3.5- Conduct peer reviews on the tailoring guidelines. 1.3.6- Revise the tailoring guidelines as necessary.

SP 1.4 - Establish the Organization’s Measurement Repository

1.4.1- Determine the organization's needs for storing, retrieving, and analyzing measurements. 1.4.2- Define a common set of process and product measures for the organization's set of standard processes. 1.4.3- Design and implement the measurement repository. 1.4.4- Specify the procedures for storing, updating, and retrieving measures. 1.4.5- Conduct peer reviews on the definitions of the common set of measures and the procedures for storing and retrieving measures. 1.4.6- Enter the specified measures into the repository. 1.4.7- Make the contents of the measurement repository available for use by the organization and projects as appropriate. 1.4.8- Revise the measurement repository, common set of measures, and procedures as the organization’s needs change.

SP 1.5 - Establish the Organization’s Process Asset Library

1.5.1- Design and implement the organization’s process asset library, including the library structure and support environment. 1.5.2- Specify the criteria for including items in the library. 1.5.3- Specify the procedures for storing and retrieving items. 1.5.4- Enter the selected items into the library and catalog them for easy reference and retrieval. 1.5.5- Make the items available for use by the projects. 1.5.6- Periodically review the use of each item and use the results to maintain the library contents. 1.5.7- Revise the organization’s process asset library as necessary.

SP 1.6 - Establish Work Environment

1.6.1- Evaluate commercially-available work environment standards appropriate for the organization. 1.6.2- Adopt existing work environment standards and develop new ones to fill gaps based on the organization’s process needs and objectives.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son: - Organization's set of standard processes (SP 1.1) - Descriptions of lifecycle models (SP 1.2) - Tailoring guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes (SP 1.3) - Definition of the common set of product and process measures for the organization’s set of standard processes (SP 1.4) - Design of the organization’s measurement repository (SP 1.4) - Organization's measurement repository (SP 1.4) - Organization’s measurement data (SP 1.4) - Design of the organization’s process asset library (SP 1.5) - Organization's process asset library (SP 1.5) - Selected items to be included in the organization’s process asset library (SP 1.5) - Catalog of items in the organization’s process asset library (SP 1.5) - Work environment standards (SP 1.6)

SG 2 - Enable IPPD Management

SP 2.1 - Establish Improvement Mechanisms

2.1.1- Determine rules and guidelines for the degree of empowerment provided to people and integrated teams. 2.1.2- Determine rules and guidelines for the use of different decision types in making various kinds of team decisions. 2.1.3- Define the process for using the decision-making rules and guidelines. 2.1.4- Define a process for issue resolution when an issue cannot be decided at the level at which it arose. 2.1.5- Maintain the empowerment mechanisms and the rules and guidelines for decision making.

SP 2.2 - Establish Rules and Guidelines for Integrated Teams

2.2.1- Establish rules and guidelines for structuring and forming integrated teams. 2.2.2- Define the expectations, rules, and guidelines that will guide how the integrated teams work collectively. 2.2.3- Maintain the rules and guidelines for structuring and forming integrated teams.

SP 2.3 - Balance Team and Home Organization Responsibilities

2.3.1- Establish guidelines for home organization responsibilities that promote integrated team behavior. 2.3.2- Establish guidelines for team management responsibilities to ensure integrated team members report appropriately to their home organizations. 2.3.3- Establish a performance review process that considers input from both home organization and integrated team leaders. 2.3.4- Maintain the guidelines for balancing team and home organization responsibilities.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son: - Empowerment rules and guidelines for people and integrated teams (SP 2.1) - Decision-making rules and guidelines (SP 2.1) - Issue resolution documentation (SP 2.1) - Rules and guidelines for the structuring and formation of integrated teams (SP 2.2) - Organizational guidelines for balancing team and home organization responsibilities (SP 2.3) - Performance review process that considers both functional supervisor and team leader input (SP 2.3)

Prácticas Genéricas por Objetivo de OPF y OPD

Solo Representación Continua

GG 1 - Achieve Specific Goals

The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.

GP 1.1 - Perform Specific Practices

Perform the specific practices of the organizational process definition process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 2 - Institutionalize a Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a managed process.

GP 2.1 - Establish an Organizational Policy

Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational process definition process.

GP 2.2 - Plan the Process

Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational process definition process. GP 2.3 - Provide Resources

Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational process definition process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.

GP 2.4 - Assign Responsibility

Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational process definition process.

GP 2.5 - Train People

Train the people performing or supporting the organizational process definition process as needed.

GP 2.6 - Manage Configurations

Place designated work products of the organizational process definition process under appropriate levels of control.

GP 2.7 - Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders

Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational process definition process as planned.

GP 2.8 - Monitor and Control the Process

Monitor and control the organizational process definition process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.

GP 2.9 - Objectively Evaluate Adherence

Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational process definition process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.

GP 2.10 - Review Status with Higher Level Management

Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational process definition process with higher level management and resolve issues.

Representación Continua y por Etapas

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process

The process is institutionalized as a defined process.

GP 3.1- Establish a Defined Process

Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational process definition process

GP 3.2 - Collect Improvement Information

Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational process definition process to support the future use and improvement of the organization’s processes and process assets.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 4 - Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process

GP 4.1 - Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process

Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational process definition process, which address quality and process performance, based on customer needs and business objectives.

GP 4.2- Stabilize Subprocess Performance

Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational process definition process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 5 - Institutionalize an Optimizing Process

The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.

GP 5.1 - Ensure Continuous Process Improvement

Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational process definition process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.

GP 5.2 - Correct Root Causes of Problems

Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational process definition process.

Planificación Global - mySAP SCM

La planificación global cubre la planificación de todos los materiales de un determinado centro que son relevantes para la planificación de necesidades e incluye la explosión de la lista de materiales para materiales con una lista de material. Se puede usar la planificación global para un centro único o se puede utilizar el alcance de planificación para controlar si el proceso de planificación global se ejecuta en un nivel de múltiples centros. Los casos son: (1) Para varios centros, (2) Para un área MRP (Material Requirements Planning), (3) Para varias áreas MRP y (4) Para una combinación de centros y áreas MRP.

Existen condiciones previas solamente para la planificación de múltiples centros con el alcance de planificación: (1) Agrupar los centros o las áreas MRP que deben planificarse juntos en Customizing para MRP y (2) Realizar las parametrizaciones necesarias para el tratamiento paralelo en la actividad.

En el Customizing se puede definir el alcance de diferentes grupos de planificación. Para ello, se introduce un contador para especificar la secuencia de las unidades de MRP individuales (centros o áreas MRP) para cada alcance de planificación. Este contador define la secuencia en la cual deben planificarse las unidades de MRP.

En el alcance de planificación puede introducir tantos centros como lo desee. Si ha activado la planificación de necesidades de material con áreas MRP, la entrada de un centro incluirá todas las áreas MRP de este centro. Durante el proceso de planificación, las áreas MRP siempre se planifican en la siguiente secuencia: área MRP del centro, área de planificación de necesidades de almacén y área MRP del subcontratista.

Sin embargo, se pueden introducir también una o varias áreas MRP en el alcance de planificación y así limitar el proceso de planificación global a estas áreas MRP.

Para estos procesos de planificación se puede utilizar el “diagrama de flechas”, el cual es una herramienta de planificación cuyo objetivo consiste en descomponer un proyecto en sus tareas elementales, permitiendo visualizar gráficamente las actividades que pueden ejecutarse en forma paralela y los mínimos tiempos requeridos para completar un determinado proyecto o actividad. Estos diagramas serán desarrollados según el alcance de cada planificación.

ISO 20000:2005

ISO 20000:2005 es el primer estándar mundial para IT Service Management basado en ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). ITIL es un conjunto de buenas prácticas de dirección y gestión de servicios de tecnologías de la información en lo referente a personas, procesos y tecnología. Este estándar fue desarrollado por la OGC del Reino Unido, que cumple y desarrolla la norma BS15000 de la BSI (British Standards Institution). La realización de las buenas prácticas especificadas en ITIL hacen posible que los departamentos y organizaciones puedan reducir costes, mejorar la calidad del servicio tanto de clientes externos como internos y aprovechar al máximo las habilidades y experiencia del personal, mejorando su productividad. El principal objetivo de ITIL es alinear el negocio con los Sistemas de Información.

ISO 20000 permite que las organizaciones puedan mejorar su capacidad en la entrega de los servicios administrados, medir los niveles del servicio y evaluar el performance. También permite a los proveedores del servicio entender cómo aumentar la calidad del servicio entregado a los clientes internos y externos. Los proveedores de servicios de TI brindan un servicio de alta calidad a un costo mínimo. Este estándar reducirá el riesgo, cumplirá los requerimientos y demostrará la calidad del servicio. La implementación de ISO 20000 asegurará prácticas de trabajo proactivas capaces de entregar altos niveles de servicio al cliente que satisfagan las necesidades del negocio. ISO 20000 incluye el ciclo PDCA (Plan – Do – Control – Act) y el requerimiento de mejoramiento continuo.

Las organizaciones pueden tener sus sistemas de gestión de servicios de TI certificados así como pueden estar acorde a los requerimientos de ISO/IEC 20000. Este nuevo estándar está basado en BS 15000 y está integrado a los estándares ISO de ingeniería de sistemas y de software.

Actualmente la TI tiene un estándar internacional para auditar y certificar TI. ISO 20000 es semejante a ISO 9001:2000 y ofrece una certificación organizacional. ISO 20000 muestra como administrar y mejorar la TI; y establece un criterio de auditoria. También suministra a los auditores de un documento estándar, el cual es usado para medir la conformidad de la TI. ISO 20000 es una certificación organizacional con reconocimiento internacional.

Las 2 partes de ISO 20000 derivan de ITIL.

ISO 20000-1:2005 - Information Technology -- Service management -- Part 1: Specification

1- Scope 2- Terms and Definitions 3- Requirements for a Management System 4- Planning and Implementing Service Management 5- Planning and Implementing New or Changed Services 6- Service Delivery Process 7- Relationship Processes 8- Resolution Processes 9- Control Processes 10- Release Process

Esta parte de ISO 20000 es la especificación de la Gestión del Servicio de TI y ayuda a iniciar, implementar o mantener la gestión del servicio de TI en la organización. Define los procesos y suministra el criterio de evaluación y recomendaciones para el responsable de la Gestión de Servicios de TI. También promueve la adopción de un proceso integrado que entrega servicios que cumplen con los requerimientos del negocio y del cliente. ISO 20000-1 define los requerimientos para un proveedor de servicios administrados.

ISO 20000-2: :2005 - Information Technology -- Service management -- Part 2: Code of practice

1- Scope 2- Terms and Definitions 3- The Management System 4- Planning and Implementing Service Management 5- Service Delivery Processes 6- Relationship Processes 7- Resolution Processes 8- Control Processes 9- Release Management Processes

Esta parte representa un consenso de la industria sobre la guía para los auditores y provee mejoras en el servicio de planificación. Es un código de práctica y describe las mejores prácticas de los procesos de Gestión de Servicios dentro del alcance de BS 15.000-1 e ISO 20.000-1.

El BS15000 es el estándar británico original para la Gestión de Servicios de TI, que ahora se ha convertido en el ISO 20000, con algunos cambios.

La certificación de la Gestión del Servicio, que al igual que la BS15000 es otorgada por el Instituto Británico de Estándares, se está transformando en la norma ISO 20000. La norma BS15000 toma gran parte de sus lineamientos de las mejores prácticas de ITIL.

Finalmente, se puede decir que esta Norma ISO permite enfocar los negocios de una empresa de TI desde el punto de vista de los servicios. Este enfoque da la posibilidad de acceder a nuevos mercados y mejorar la competitividad de la empresa.