05 April 2011

Componentes de éxito de un ERP (4)

Los elementos que avalan el éxito de los ERP son:

- Estándar. Es un estándar, no está hecho a medida para una empresa en cuestión. Resuelve los problemas de una empresa estándar.

- Altas prestaciones, modularidad (dividido en módulos: finanzas, ventas, etc. y con módulos para problemáticas concretas).

- Integrado: La información que actualice una función fluye automáticamente a todos los registros de las funciones relacionadas. Elimina redundancia y permite mayor precisión. La información sólo se introduce una vez.

- Software fabricado con nuevas tecnologías (inabordables a nivel técnico y financiero por una empresa)

- Funcionamiento con distinto HW (DEC, HP, IBM, etc.).

- Multiplataforma (funcionan sobre varios servidores: Windows NT/2000, HP 9000, AS/400, etc.).

- Soporte (a dudas, etc.).

- Futuro (fabricados por empresas solventes, que no van a desaparecer en breve, se da un cierto periodo mínimo de vida).

- Mantenimiento. Se debe pagar, anualmente, una cantidad que varía entre el 12 y el 18% del precio del producto antes de aplicarle posibles descuentos, para tener disponible las actualizaciones que desarrolle el proveedor, las soluciones a posibles fallos, etc.

- Mejora continua de los sistemas de información: la empresa fabricante, mejora el producto constantemente mediante nuevas versiones del mismo según las necesidades del mercado. Crecen con las necesidades de la empresa

- Utiliza la arquitectura Cliente-Servidor.

- Amplia implantación en empresas: ya han sido probados en organizaciones similares, habiéndose modificado los parámetros necesarios para adaptarlo al tipo de empresa que interesa. Además, gracias a los desarrollos que se han hecho y se hacen en base a las necesidades de otras empresas del sector, sabemos qué camino toman éstas.

- Disponen de herramientas de desarrollo propias.

- Permiten optimizar los recursos de la empresa.

- Cubren todas las áreas de negocio (Ventas, Logística, Producción, etc.)

- Metodología y herramientas para la implantación del producto. La existencia de una metodología y unas herramientas probadas en la implantación del ERP en otras empresas, ayuda a minimizar errores, a garantizar el plazo, éxito del producto.

- Trazabilidad: el ERP permite que seguir el proceso de fabricación de un producto concreto (quién trae las materias primas, quién ha trabajado, etc.).

Actualización de CMMi SVC v1.3 (6)

CAPACITY AND AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT -- PROJECT & WORK MGMT (ML3)The purpose of Capacity and Availability Management (CAM) is to ensure effective service system performance and ensure that resources are provided and used effectively to support service requirements.

SG 1 Preparation for capacity and availability management is conducted.

SP 1.1 Establish and maintain a strategy for capacity and availability management. SP 1.2 Select measures and analytic techniques to be used in managing the capacity and availability of the service system. SP 1.3 Establish and maintain service system representations to support capacity and availability management.

SG 2 Capacity and availability are monitored and analyzed to manage resources and demand.

SP 2.1 Monitor and analyze capacity against thresholds. SP 2.2 Monitor and analyze availability against targets. SP 2.3 Report capacity and availability management data to relevant stakeholders.


The purpose of Incident Resolution and Prevention (IRP) is to ensure timely and effective resolution of service incidents and prevention of service incidents as appropriate.

SG 1 Preparation for incident resolution and prevention is conducted.

SP 1.1 Establish and maintain an approach to incident resolution and prevention. SP 1.2 Establish and maintain an incident management system for processing and tracking incident information.

SG 2 Individual incidents are identified, controlled, and addressed.

SP 2.1 Identify incidents and record information about them. SP 2.2 Analyze individual incident data to determine a course of action. SP 2.3 Resolve incidents. SP 2.4 Manage the status of incidents to closure. SP 2.5 Communicate the status of incidents.

SG 3 Causes and Impacts of selected incidents are analyzed and addressed.

SP 3.1 Analyze the underlying causes of selected incidents. SP 3.2 Establish and maintain solutions to respond to future incidents. SP 3.3 Establish and apply solutions to reduce the occurrence of selected incidents


The purpose of Service Continuity (SCON) is to establish and maintain plans to ensure continuity of services during and following any significant disruption of normal operations.

SG 1 The essential functions and resources on which services depend are identified and documented.

SP 1.1 Identify and prioritize the essential functions that must be performed to ensure service continuity. SP 1.2 Identify and prioritize the essential resources required to ensure service continuity.

SG 2 Preparations are made for service continuity.

SP 2.1 Establish and maintain service continuity plans that enable the organization to resume performing essential functions. SP 2.2 Establish and maintain training for service continuity. SP 2.3 Provide and evaluate training in the execution of the service continuity plan.

SG 3 The service continuity plan is verified and validated.

SP 3.1 Prepare for the verification and validation of the service continuity plan. SP 3.2 Verify and validate the service continuity plan. SP 3.3 Analyze the results of verifying and validating the service continuity plan.


The purpose of Service Delivery (SD) is to deliver services in accordance with service agreements.

SG 1 Service agreements are established and maintained.

SP 1.1 Analyze existing service agreements and service data to prepare for expected new agreements. SP 1.2 Establish and maintain the service agreement.

SG 2 Preparation for service delivery is conducted.

SP 2.1 Establish and maintain the approach to be used for service delivery and service system operations. SP 2.2 Confirm the readiness of the service system to enable the delivery of services. SP 2.3 Establish and maintain a request management system for processing and tracking request information.

SG 3 Services are delivered in accordance with service agreements.

SP 3.1 Receive and process service requests in accordance with service agreements. SP 3.2 Operate the service system to deliver services in accordance with service agreements. SP 3.3 Maintain the service system to ensure the continuation of service delivery.


The purpose of Service System Development (SSD) is to analyze, design, develop, integrate, verify, and validate service systems, including service system components, to satisfy existing or anticipated service agreements.

SG 1 Stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces are collected, analyzed, and transformed into validated service system requirements.

SP 1.1 Collect and transform stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces into prioritized stakeholder requirements. SP 1.2 Refine and elaborate stakeholder requirements to develop service system requirements. SP 1.3 Analyze and validate requirements, and define required service system functionality and quality attributes.

SG 2 Service system components are selected, designed, implemented, and integrated.

SP 2.1 Select service system solutions from alternative solutions. SP 2.2 Develop designs for the service system and service system components. SP 2.3 Manage internal and external interface definitions, designs, and changes for service systems. SP 2.4 Implement the service system design. SP 2.5 Assemble and integrate implemented service system components into a verifiable service system.

SG 3 Selected service system components and services are verified and validated to ensure correct service delivery.

SP 3.1 Establish and maintain an approach and an environment for verification and validation. SP 3.2 Perform peer reviews on selected service system components. SP 3.3 Verify selected service system components against their specified requirements. SP 3.4 Validate the service system to ensure that it is suitable for use in the intended delivery environment and meets stakeholder expectations.


The purpose of Service System Transition (SST) is to deploy new or significantly changed service system components while managing their effect on ongoing service delivery.

SG 1 Preparation for service system transition is conducted.

SP 1.1 Analyze the functionality, quality attributes, and compatibility of the current and future service systems to minimize impact on service delivery. SP 1.2 Establish and maintain plans for specific transitions of the service system. SP 1.3 Prepare relevant stakeholders for changes in services and service systems.

SG 2 The service system is deployed to the delivery environment.

SP 2.1 Systematically deploy service system components into the delivery environment based on transition planning. SP 2.2 Assess the impacts of the transition on stakeholders and service delivery, and take appropriate corrective action.


The purpose of Strategic Service Management (STSM) is to establish and maintain standard services in concert with strategic needs and plans.

SG 1 Strategic needs and plans for standard services are established and maintained.

SP 1.1 Gather and analyze data about the strategic needs and capabilities of the organization. SP 1.2 Establish and maintain plans for standard services.

SG 2 A set of standard services is established and maintained.

SP 2.1 Establish and maintain properties of the organization’s set of standard services and service levels. SP 2.2 Establish and maintain descriptions of the organization’s defined standard services.