02 October 2012

QPM y OCM en PCMM v2.0 (10)


El propósito de Quantitative Performance Management, perteneciente al Nivel 4, es predecir y administrar la capacidad de los proceso basados en la competencia para lograr los objetivos de performance medibles. Las personas y los grupos de trabajo determinan qué procesos basados en la competencia contribuyen al logro de los objetivos.

El trabajo confirmado es estimado y planeado usando las líneas de base de performance del proceso desarrollado. Se desarrolla una estrategia de manejo de performance cuantitativo para identificar, medir y analizar el performance de los procesos basados en la competencia que contribuyen al logro de los objetivos. Los datos del performance son recopilados y analizados de acuerdo a la estrategia. Las acciones correctivas son tenidas en cuenta cuando el performance de los procesos se desvían respecto de los objetivos de performance.

1- Measurable performance objectives are established for competency- based processes that most contribute to achieving performance objectives.
2- The performance of competency-based processes is managed quantitatively.
3-  Quantitative Performance Management practices are institutionalized to ensure they are performed as defined organizational processes.

Commitments to Perform
1- The organization establishes and maintains a documented policy for conducting Quantitative Performance Management activities.
2- An organizational role(s) is assigned responsibility for coordinating Quantitative Performance Management activities across the organization.

Ability to Perform
1- Within each unit, an individual(s) is assigned responsibility and authority for ensuring that Quantitative Performance Management activities are performed.
2- Adequate resources are provided for performing Quantitative Performance Management activities.
3- Individuals who participate in Quantitative Performance Management activities develop the knowledge, skills, and process abilities needed to perform their responsibilities.
4- The practices and procedures for performing Quantitative Performance Management are defined and documented.

Practices Performed
1- The quantitative performance objectives required to achieve organizational business objectives are defined.
2- Each unit establishes measurable performance objectives whose achievement most contributes to organizational business objectives.
3- Individuals and workgroups establish measurable performance objectives for competency-based processes that most contribute to their achieving unit performance objectives.
4- Individuals and workgroups plan their committed work using process performance baselines for competency-based processes.
5- Individuals and workgroups define quantitative methods for managing the competency-based processes that most contribute to achieving their performance objectives.
6- Individuals and workgroups quantitatively manage the performance of the competency-based processes that most contribute to achieving their performance objectives. 
7-Individuals or workgroups take corrective actions when the performance of their competency-based processes differs from the quantitative results required to achieve their performance objectives.
8- Quantitative records of individual and workgroup performance are retained.
9- Where appropriate, quantitative performance results are used in performing workforce practices and activities.

Measurement and Analysis
1- Measurements are made and used to determine the status and performance of the organization’s Quantitative Performance Management activities.
2  Measurements are made and used to determine the effectiveness of Quantitative Performance Management activities.

Verifying Implementation
1- A responsible individual(s) verifies that Quantitative Performance Management activities are conducted according to the organization’s documented policies, practices, procedures, and, where appropriate, plans; and addresses noncompliance.
2- Executive management periodically reviews the Quantitative Performance Management activities, status, and results; and resolves issues.
3- The definition and use of performance measures at the individual, workgroup, and unit levels are periodically audited for compliance with the organization’s policies.


El propósito de Organzational Capability Management, perteneciente al Nivel 4, es cuantificar y administrar la capacidad de la fuerza de trabajo y de los procesos basados en la competencia. La capacidad de la organización es evaluada según el número de personas de un comunidad de competencia. La organización evalúa el impacto de sus prácticas de fuerza de trabajo en cada competencia de  fuerza de trabajo.

Esta área de proceso involucra la caracterización de la capacidad del proceso de los procesos basados en la competencia, teniendo en cuenta las líneas de base de performance del proceso y los modelos de performance cuantitativos. Estos resultados de la capacidad son utilizados en la planificación y administración del performance de los procesos basados en la competencia. El impacto de las prácticas de las fuerzas de trabajo es cuantificado y administrado; y los resultados de este análisis son utilizados en la toma de decisiones a nivel organizacional. 

1- Progress in developing the capability of critical workforce competencies is managed quantitatively.
2- The impact of workforce practices and activities on progress in developing the capability of critical workforce competencies is evaluated and managed quantitatively.
3- The capabilities of competency-based processes in critical workforce competencies are established and managed quantitatively.
4- The impact of workforce practices and activities on the capabilities of competency-based processes in critical workforce competencies is evaluated and managed quantitatively.
5- Organizational Capability Management practices are institutionalized to ensure they are performed as defined organizational processes.

Commitment to Perform
1- The organization establishes and maintains a documented policy for  conducting Organizational Capability Management activities.
2- An organizational role(s) is assigned responsibility for coordinating Organizational Capability Management activities across the organization.

Ability to Perform
1- Within each unit, an individual(s) is assigned responsibility and authority for ensuring the unit’s involvement in Organizational Capability Management activities, as appropriate.
2- A responsible individual(s) coordinates the quantitative capability management activities within each critical workforce competency.
3- Adequate resources are provided for performing Organizational Capability Management activities.
4-Those responsible for Organizational Capability Management activities develop the knowledge, skills, and process abilities needed to perform their responsibilities.
5- Individuals who participate in Organizational Capability Management activities receive appropriate orientation in the purposes and methods for the organization’s quantitative capability management activities.
6- The practices and procedures for performing Organizational Capability Management are defined and documented.

Practices Performed
1- The organization identifies the workforce competencies that are critical to its business strategies and objectives.
2- The organization quantifies its capability in each of its critical workforce competencies.
3- The organization’s capability in each of its critical workforce competencies is managed quantitatively.
4- Measurable objectives for contributing to capability growth in critical workforce competencies are established for workforce practices and activities.
5- The organization quantitatively evaluates the impacts of workforce practices and activities on capability in each of its critical workforce competencies.
6- The impacts of workforce practices and activities on the organization’s capability in each of its critical workforce competencies are managed quantitatively.
7- Process performance baselines are developed and maintained for critical competency-based processes.
8- The capability of critical competency-based processes is managed quantitatively.
9- The organization uses its capability data and process performance baselines in developing quantitative models of performance. 
10- The impact of workforce practices and activities on the capability and performance of competency-based processes is evaluated and managed quantitatively.
11- Evaluations of the impact of workforce practices and activities on the capability and performance of competency-based processes are used in performing other business and workforce activities, as appropriate.

Measurement and Analysis
1- Measurements are made and used to determine the status and performance of Organizational Capability Management activities.
2- Measurements are made and used to determine the effectiveness of Organizational Capability Management activities.

Verifying Implementation
1- A responsible individual(s) verifies that Organizational Capability  Management activities are conducted according to the organization’s  documented policies, practices, procedures, and, where appropriate, plans; and addresses noncompliance.
2- Executive management periodically reviews the Organizational Capability Management activities, status, and results; and resolves issues.
3- The definition and use of measures at the individual, workgroup, and unit levels are periodically audited for compliance with organizational policies.