08 May 2007

CM y RD en CMMi DEV v1.2 (5)

Configuration Management (CM)

Esta área de proceso (AP), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 2, soporta todas las AP que permiten establecer y mantener la integridad de los productos de trabajo usando la identificación de la configuración, control de la configuración, explicación del estado de la configuración, y auditorias de la configuración.

Los productos de trabajo relacionados a CM incluyen: productos entregados al cliente, productos de trabajo internos diseñados, productos adquiridos, herramientas, y otros ítems usados en la creación y descripción de estos productos de trabajo. CM se relaciona con las siguientes AP: PP (Project Planning) y PMC (Project Monitoring and Control).

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Establish Baselines

SP 1.1 - Identify Configuration Items

1.1.1- Select the configuration items and the work products that compose them based on documented criteria. 1.1.2- Assign unique identifiers to configuration items. 1.1.3- Specify the important characteristics of each configuration item. 1.1.4- Specify when each configuration item is placed under configuration management. 1.1.5- Identify the owner responsible for each configuration item.

SP 1.2 - Establish a Configuration Management System

1.2.1- Establish a mechanism to manage multiple control levels of configuration management. 1.2.2- Store and retrieve configuration items in a configuration management system. 1.2.3- Share and transfer configuration items between control levels within the configuration management system. 1.2.4- Store and recover archived versions of configuration items. 1.2.5- Store, update, and retrieve configuration management records. 1.2.6- Create configuration management reports from the configuration management system. 1.2.7- Preserve the contents of the configuration management system. 1.2.8- Revise the configuration management structure as necessary.

SP 1.3 - Create or Release Baselines

1.3.1- Obtain authorization from the configuration control board (CCB) before creating or releasing baselines of configuration items. 1.3.2- Create or release baselines only from configuration items in the configuration management system. 1.3.3- Document the set of configuration items that are contained in a baseline. 1.3.4- Make the current set of baselines readily available.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Ítems de configuración identificados (SP 1.1) - Configuration management system with controlled work products (SP 1.2) - Configuration management system access control procedures (SP 12.) - Change request database (SP 1.2) - Baselines (SP 1.3) - Description of baselines (SP 1.3)

SG 2 - Track and Control Changes

SP 2.1- Track Change Requests

2.1.1- Initiate and record change requests in the change request database. 2.1.2-Analyze the impact of changes and fixes proposed in the change requests. 2.1.3-Review change requests that will be addressed in the next baseline with the relevant stakeholders and get their agreement. 2.1.4-Track the status of change requests to closure.

SP 2.2 - Control Configuration Items

2.2 .1- Control changes to configuration items throughout the life of the product. 2.2.2- Obtain appropriate authorization before changed configuration items are entered into the configuration management system. 2.2.3- Check in and check out configuration items from the configuration management system for incorporation of changes in a manner that maintains the correctness and integrity of the configuration items. 2.2.4- Perform reviews to ensure that changes have not caused unintended effects on the baselines (e.g., ensure that the changes have not compromised the safety and/or security of the system). 2.2.5- Record changes to configuration items and the reasons for the changes as appropriate.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Change requests (SP 2.1) - Revision history of configuration items (SP 2.2) - Archives of the baselines (SP 2.2)

SG 3 - Establish Integrity

SP 3.1 - Establish Configuration Management Records

3.1.1- Record configuration management actions in sufficient detail so the content and status of each configuration item is known and previous versions can be recovered. 3.1.2- Ensure that relevant stakeholders have access to and knowledge of the configuration status of the configuration items. 3.1.3- Specify the latest version of the baselines. 3.1.4- Identify the version of configuration items that constitute a particular baseline. 3.1.5- Describe the differences between successive baselines. 3.1.6- Revise the status and history (i.e., changes and other actions) of each configuration item as necessary.

SP 3.2 - Perform Configuration Audits

3.2.1- Assess the integrity of the baselines. 3.2.2- Confirm that the configuration management records correctly identify the configuration items. 3.2.3- Review the structure and integrity of the items in the configuration management system. 3.2.4- Confirm the completeness and correctness of the items in the configuration management system. 3.2.5- Confirm compliance with applicable configuration management standards and procedures. 3.2.6- Track action items from the audit to closure.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Revision history of configuration items (SP 3.1) - Change log (SP 3.1) - Copy of the change requests (SP 3.1) - Status of configuration items (SP 3.1) - Differences between baselines (SP 3.1) - Configuration audit results (SP 3.2) - Action items (SP 3.2)

Prácticas Genéricas por Objetivo

Solo Representación Continua

GG 1 - Achieve Specific Goals

The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.

GP 1.1 - Perform Specific Practices

Perform the specific practices of the configuration management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.

Representación Continua y por Etapas

GG 2 - Institutionalize a Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a managed process.

GP 2.1 - Establish an Organizational Policy

Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the configuration management process.

GP 2.2 - Plan the Process

Establish and maintain the plan for performing the configuration management process.

GP 2.3 - Provide Resources

Provide adequate resources for performing the configuration management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.

GP 2.4 - Assign Responsibility

Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the configuration management process.

GP 2.5 - Train People

Train the people performing or supporting the configuration management process as needed.

GP 2.6 - Manage Configurations

Place designated work products of the configuration management process under appropriate levels of control.

GP 2.7 - Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders

Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the configuration management process as planned.

GP 2.8 - Monitor and Control the Process

Monitor and control the configuration management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.

GP 2.9 - Objectively Evaluate Adherence

Objectively evaluate adherence of the configuration management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.

GP 2.10 - Review Status with Higher Level Management

Review the activities, status, and results of the configuration management process with higher level management and resolve issues.

Solo Representación por Etapas

GG3 and its practices do not apply for a maturity level 2 rating, but do apply for a maturity level 3 rating and above.

Representación Continua – Solo Niveles de Madurez 3 - 5

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process

The process is institutionalized as a defined process. GP 3.1 - Establish a Defined Process

Establish and maintain the description of a defined configuration management process GP 3.2 - Collect Improvement Information

Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the configuration management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization’s processes and process assets.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 4 - Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process

GP 4.1 - Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process

Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the configuration management process, which address quality and process performance, based on customer needs and business objectives.

GP 4.2- Stabilize Subprocess Performance

Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the configuration management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 5 - Institutionalize an Optimizing Process

The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.

GP 5.1 - Ensure Continuous Process Improvement

Ensure continuous improvement of the configuration management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.

GP 5.2 - Correct Root Causes of Problems

Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the configuration management process.

Requirements Development (RD)

Esta AP, perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, se ocupa de identificar las necesidades del cliente y las traduce en requerimientos del producto. El conjunto de requerimientos del producto es analizado para producir una solución conceptual general. Los requerimientos de los componentes del producto ayudan a definir el producto. Estos conjuntos de requerimientos describen el performance del producto, características del diseño, requerimientos de verificación y otros.

El AP de RD suministra requerimientos al AP Technical Solution, donde los requerimientos son convertidos en arquitectura del producto, diseño del componente del producto y componente del producto. Los requerimientos son suministrados al AP de Product Integration, donde los componentes del producto son combinados y las interfaces son verificadas para asegurar que cumplen los requerimientos de interface.

RD se relaciona con las siguientes AP: REQM (Requirements Management), TS (Technical Solution), PI (Product Integration), VER (Verification), VAL (Validation), RSKM (Risk Management) y CM (Configuration Management).

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Develop Customer Requirements

SP 1.1 Elicit Needs

1.1.1- Engage relevant stakeholders using methods for eliciting needs, expectations, constraints, and external interfaces. SP 1.2 Develop the Customer Requirements 1.2.1- Translate the stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces into documented customer requirements. 1.2.2- Define constraints for verification and validation

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Customer requirements (SP 1.2) - Customer constraints on the conduct of verification (SP 1.2) - Customer constraints on the conduct of validation (SP 1.2)

SG 2 - Develop Product Requirements

SP 2.1 - Establish Product and Product-Component Requirements 2.1.1- Develop requirements in technical terms necessary for product and product component design 2.1.2- Derive requirements that result from design decisions 2.1.3- Establish and maintain relationships between requirements for consideration during change management and requirements allocation

SP 2.2 - Allocate Product-Component Requirements

2.2.1- Allocate requirements to functions 2.2.2- Allocate requirements to product components. 2.2.3- Allocate design constraints to product components 2.2.4- Document relationships among allocated requirements.

SP 2.3 - Identify Interface Requirements

2.3.1- Identify interfaces both external to the product and internal to the product (i.e., between functional partitions or objects). 2.3.2- Develop the requirements for the identified interfaces.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Derived requirements (SP 2.1) - Product requirements (SP 2.1) - Product component requirements (SP 2.1) - Requirement allocation sheets (SP 2.2) - Provisional requirement allocations (SP 2.2) - Design constraints (SP 2.2) - Derived requirements (SP 2.2) - Relationships among derived requirements (SP 2.2) - Interface requirements (SP 2.3)

SG 3 - Analyze and Validate Requirements

SP 3.1 - Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios

3.1.1- Develop operational concepts and scenarios that include functionality, performance, maintenance, support, and disposal as appropriate 3.1.2- Define the environment in which the product or product component will operate, including boundaries and constraints 3.1.3- Review operational concepts and scenarios to refine and discover requirements 3.1.4- Develop a detailed operational concept, as products and product components are selected, that defines the interaction of the product, the end user, and the environment, and that satisfies the operational, maintenance, support, and disposal needs

SP 3.2 - Establish a Definition of Required Functionality

3.2.1- Analyze and quantify functionality required by end users. 3.2.2.- Analyze requirements to identify logical or functional partitions (e.g., subfunctions). 3.2.3- Partition requirements into groups, based on established criteria (e.g., similar functionality, performance, or coupling), to facilitate and focus the requirements analysis. 3.2.4- Consider the sequencing of time-critical functions both initially and subsequently during product component development. 3.2.5- Allocate customer requirements to functional partitions, objects, people, or support elements to support the synthesis of solutions. 3.2.6- Allocate functional and performance requirements to functions and subfunctions.

SP 3.3 - Analyze Requirements

3.3.1- Analyze stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and external interfaces to remove conflicts and to organize into related subjects. 3.3.2- Analyze requirements to determine whether they satisfy the objectives of higher level requirements. 3.3.3- Analyze requirements to ensure that they are complete, feasible, realizable, and verifiable. 3.3.4- Identify key requirements that have a strong influence on cost, schedule, functionality, risk, or performance. 3.3.5- Identify technical performance measures that will be tracked during the development effort. 3.3.6- Analyze operational concepts and scenarios to refine the customer needs, constraints, and interfaces and to discover new requirements.

SP 3.4 - Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance

3.4.1- Use proven models, simulations, and prototyping to analyze the balance of stakeholder needs and constraints 3.4.2- Perform a risk assessment on the requirements and functional architecture.

SP 3.5 - Validate Requirements

3.5.1- Analyze the requirements to determine the risk that the resulting product will not perform appropriately in its intended-use environment 3.5.2- Explore the adequacy and completeness of requirements by developing product representations (e.g., prototypes, simulations, models, scenarios, and storyboards) and by obtaining feedback about them from relevant stakeholders. 3.5.3- Assess the design as it matures in the context of the requirements validation environment to identify validation issues and expose unstated needs and customer requirements.

Los productos de trabajo de las SP son:

- Operational concept (SP 3.1) - Product or product component installation, operational, maintenance, and support concepts (SP 3.1) - Disposal concepts (SP 3.1) - Use cases (SP 3.1) - Timeline scenarios (SP 3.1) - New requirements (SP 3.1) - Functional architecture (SP 3.2) - Activity diagrams and use cases (SP 3.2) - Object-oriented analysis with services or methods identified (SP 3.2) - Requirements defects reports (SP 3.3) - Proposed requirements changes to resolve defects (SP 3.3) - Key requirements (SP 3.3) - Technical performance measures (SP 3.3) - Assessment of risks related to requirements (SP 3.4) - Record of analysis methods and results (SP 3.5)

Prácticas Genéricas por Objetivo

Solo Representación Continua

GG 1 - Achieve Specific Goals

The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.

GP 1.1 - Perform Specific Practices

Perform the specific practices of the requirements development process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 2 - Institutionalize a Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a managed process.

GP 2.1 - Establish an Organizational Policy

Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the requirements development process.

GP 2.2 - Plan the Process

Establish and maintain the plan for performing the requirements development process.

GP 2.3 - Provide Resources

Provide adequate resources for performing the requirements development process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.

GP 2.4 - Assign Responsibility

Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the requirements development process.

GP 2.5 - Train People

Train the people performing or supporting the requirements development process as needed.

GP 2.6 - Manage Configurations

Place designated work products of the requirements development process under appropriate levels of control.

GP 2.7 - Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders

Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the requirements development process as planned.

GP 2.8 - Monitor and Control the Process

Monitor and control the requirements development process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.

GP 2.9 - Objectively Evaluate Adherence

Objectively evaluate adherence of the requirements development process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.

GP 2.10 - Review Status with Higher Level Management

Review the activities, status, and results of the requirements development process with higher level management and resolve issues.

Representación Continua y por Etapas

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process

The process is institutionalized as a defined process.

GP 3.1- Establish a Defined Process

Establish and maintain the description of a defined requirements development process

GP 3.2 - Collect Improvement Information

Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the requirements development process to support the future use and improvement of the organization’s processes and process assets

Solo Representación Continua

GG 4 - Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process

GP 4.1 - Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process

Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the requirements development process, which address quality and process performance, based on customer needs and business objectives.

GP 4.2- Stabilize Subprocess Performance

Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the requirements development process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.

Solo Representación Continua

GG 5 - Institutionalize an Optimizing Process

The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.

GP 5.1 - Ensure Continuous Process Improvement Ensure continuous improvement of the requirements development process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.

GP 5.2 - Correct Root Causes of Problem Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the requirements development process.