05 April 2008

MA y PPQA en CMMi ACQ V1.2 (4)


El propósito de Measurement and Analysis (MA), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 2, es desarrollar y sostener una capacidad de medición que es utilizada para dar soporte a las necesidades de información de la dirección. El staff requerido para implementar una capacidad de medición puede o no requerir de un programa aparte. La capacidad de medición puede estar integrada a los proyectos u otras funciones organizacionales.

La medición y análisis de los componentes de un producto, suministrado por un proveedor, son esenciales para la administración de la calidad y costos del proyecto.

MA se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de procesos: PP, PMC, CM, REQM, SSAD, OPD y QPM.

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Align Measurement and Analysis Activities

SP 1.1 - Establish Measurement Objectives

1.1.1- Document information needs and objectives. 1.1.2- Prioritize information needs and objectives. 1.1.3- Document, review, and update measurement objectives. 1.1.4- Provide feedback for refining and clarifying information needs and objectives as necessary. 1.1.5- Review appropriate measurement objectives with potential suppliers throughout the solicitation, obtaining their feedback and commitment. 1.1.6- Maintain traceability of measurement objectives to identified information needs and objectives.

SP 1.2 - Specify Measures

1.2.1- Identify candidate measures based on documented measurement objectives. 1.2.2- Identify existing measures that already address measurement objectives. 1.2.3- Specify operational definitions for measures. 1.2.4- Specify acceptance criteria based on operational definitions for measures that come from suppliers to the acquirer in a way that enables their intended use. 1.2.5- Prioritize, review, and update measures.

SP 1.3 - Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures

1.3.1- Identify existing sources of data that are generated from current work products, processes, or transactions. 1.3.2- Identify measures for which data are needed, but are not currently available. 1.3.3- Specify how to collect and store the data for each required measure. 1.3.4- Create data collection mechanisms and process guidance. 1.3.5- Support automatic collection of data as appropriate and feasible. 1.3.6- Prioritize, review, and update data collection and storage procedures. 1.3.7- Update measures and measurement objectives as necessary.

SP 1.4 - Specify Analysis Procedures

1.4.1- Specify and prioritize the analyses to be conducted and the reports to be prepared. 1.4.2- Select appropriate data analysis methods and tools. 1.4.3- Specify administrative procedures for analyzing data and communicating results. 1.4.4- Review and update the proposed content and format of specified analyses and reports. 1.4.5- Update measures and measurement objectives as necessary. 1.4.6- Specify criteria for evaluating the utility of analysis results and for evaluating the conduct of measurement and analysis activities.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Measurement objetives (SP 1.1) Specifications of base and derived measures (SP 1.2) Acceptance criteria for supplier measures (SP 1.2) Data collection and storage procedures (SP 1.3) Data collection tools (SP 1.3) Analysis specifications and procedures (SP 1.4) Data analysis tools (SP 1.4)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Recommendations for data collection and storage procedures (SP 1.3) Recommendations for analysis specification and procedures (SP 1.4)

SG 2 - Provide Measurement Results

SP 2.1 - Obtain Measurement Data

2.1.1- Obtain the data for base measures. 2.1.2- Generate the data for derived measures. 2.1.3- Perform data integrity checks as close to the source of data as possible.

SP 2.2 - Analyze Measurement Data

2.2.1- Conduct initial analyses, interpret the results, and draw preliminary conclusions. 2.2.2- Conduct additional measurement and analysis as necessary, and prepare results for presentation. 2.2.3- Review initial results with relevant stakeholders. 2.2.4- Refine criteria for future analyses.

SP 2.3 - Store Data and Results

2.3.1- Review the data to ensure their completeness, integrity, accuracy, and currency. 2.3.2- Store data according to data storage procedures. 2.3.3- Make stored contents available for use only to appropriate groups and personnel. 2.3.4- Prevent stored information from being used inappropriately.

SP 2.4 - Communicate Results

2.4.1- Keep relevant stakeholders apprised of measurement results in a timely basis. 2.4.2- Assist relevant stakeholders in understanding results.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Base and derived measurement data sets (SP 2.1) Results of data integrity tests (SP 2.1) Analysis results and draft reports (SP 2.2) Stored data inventory (SP 2.3) Delivered reports and related analysis results (SP 2.4) Contextual information or guidance to help interpret analysis results (SP 2.4)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Base and derived supplier measurement data sets (SP 2.1) Results of data integrity tests of supplier measurement data (SP 2.1) Response to analysis results and draft reports (SP 2.2)


El propósito de Process and Producto Quality Assurance (PPQA), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 2, es dar soporte a todas las áreas de proceso que suministran prácticas específicas, las cuales permiten evaluar los procesos realizados, productos de trabajo y servicios junto con las descripciones del proceso, estándares y procedimientos. PPQA da soporte en la entrega de productos y servicios de alta calidad.

Las prácticas de PPQA aseguran que los procesos planeados son implementados, mientras que las prácticas de Acquisition Verification (AVER) aseguran que son satisfechos los requerimientos especificados.

El aseguramiento de la calidad comienza en las primeras del proyecto para establecer planes, procesos, estándares y procedimientos que agregarán valor al proyecto y permitirán satisfacer los requerimientos del proyecto y las políticas organizacionales.

PPQA se aplica a evaluaciones de productos, procesos, evaluaciones actividades que no son proyecto y productos de trabajo.

PPQA se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de proceso: SSAD, AM, AVER y ATM. Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products

SP 1.1 - Objectively Evaluate Processes

1.1.1- Promote an environment that encourages employee participation in identifying and reporting quality issues. 1.1.2- Establish and maintain clearly stated criteria for evaluations. 1.1.3- Use the stated criteria to evaluate performed processes for adherence to process descriptions, standards, and procedures. 1.1.4- Identify each noncompliance found during the evaluation. 1.1.5- Identify lessons learned that could improve processes for future products and services.

SP 1.2 - Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services

1.2.1- Select work products to be evaluated based on documented sampling criteria if sampling is used. 1.2.2- Establish and maintain clearly stated criteria for the evaluation of work products. 1.2.3- Use the stated criteria during the evaluations of work products. 1.2.4- Evaluate work products before they are delivered to the customer. 1.2.5- Evaluate work products at selected milestones in their development. 1.2.6- Perform in-progress or incremental evaluations of work products and services against process descriptions, standards, and procedures. 1.2.7- Identify each case of noncompliance found during the evaluations. 1.2.8- Identify lessons learned that could improve processes for future products and services.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Evaluation reports (SP 1.1) Noncompliance reports (SP 1.1) Corrective actions (SP 1.1) Evaluation reports (SP 1.2) Noncompliance reports (SP 1.2) Corrective actions (SP 1.2)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Reports resulting from evaluations carried out by supplier (SP 1.1) Noncompliance reports (SP 1.1) Corrective actions (SP 1.1)

SG 2 - Provide Objective Insight

SP 2.1 - Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues

2.1.1- Resolve each noncompliance with the appropriate members of the staff where possible. 2.1.2- Document noncompliance issues when they cannot be resolved in the project. 2.1.3- Escalate noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved in the project to the appropriate level of management designated to receive and act on noncompliance issues. 2.1.4- Analyze the noncompliance issues to see if there are quality trends that can be identified and addressed. 2.1.5- Ensure that relevant stakeholders are aware of results of evaluations and quality trends in a timely manner. 2.1.6- Periodically review open noncompliance issues and trends with the manager designated to receive and act on noncompliance issues. 2.1.7- Track noncompliance issues to resolution.

SP 2.2 - Establish Records

2.2.1- Record process and product quality assurance activities in sufficient detail so that status and results are known. 2.2.2- Revise the status and history of quality assurance activities as necessary.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Corrective action reports (SP 2.1) Evaluation reports (SP 2.1) Quality trends (SP 2.1) Acquirer feedback to suppliers (SP 2.1) Evaluation logs (SP 2.2) Quality assurance reports (SP 2.2) Status reports of corrective actions (SP 2.2) Reports of quality trends (SP 2.2)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Corrective actions (SP 2.1)