08 September 2008

IPM y OT en CMMi ACQ V1.2 (9)


El propósito de Integrated Project Management (IPM), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, es establecer y administrar el proyecto; y la participación de las partes interesadas de acuerdo al proceso definido e integrado que está basado en el conjunto de procesos estándares de la organización. El proceso definido e integrado es denominado proceso definido del proyecto.

IPM incluye guías de adquisición organizacional, regulaciones, instrucciones y prácticas de adquisición establecidas a ser utilizadas en varios proyectos. La implementación y el manejo del proceso definido del proyecto son descriptos en el plan de proyecto. Ciertas actividades pueden ser efectuadas en otros planes. Esta área de proceso trata la coordinación de todas las actividades asociadas al proyectos. Estas actividades son: (1) Actividades de Desarrollo, (2) Actividades de Servicio, (3) Actividades de adquisición y (4) Actividades de Soporte.

IPM se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de proceso: PP, PMC, OPD, MA y AM.

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Use the Project’s Defined Process

SP 1.1 - Establish the Project’s Defined Process

1.1.1- Select a lifecycle model from those available in organizational process assets. 1.1.2- Select standard processes from the organization's set of standard processes that best fit the needs of the project. 1.1.3- Tailor the organization’s set of standard processes and other organizational process assets according to the tailoring guidelines to produce the project’s defined process. 1.1.4- Use other artifacts from the organization's process asset library as appropriate. 1.1.5- Document the project's defined process. 1.1.6- Conduct peer reviews of the project's defined process. 1.1.7- Revise the project's defined process as necessary.

SP 1.2 - Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities

1.2.1- Use the tasks and work products of the project's defined process as a basis for estimating and planning project activities 1.2.2- Use the organization’s measurement repository in estimating the project’s planning parameters.

SP 1.3 - Establish the Project’s Work Environment

1.3.1- Plan, design, and install a work environment for the project. 1.3.2- Provide ongoing maintenance and operational support for the project’s work environment. 1.3.3- Maintain the qualification of components of the project’s work environment. 1.3.4- Periodically review how well the work environment is meeting project needs and supporting collaboration, and take action as appropriate.

SP 1.4 - Integrate Plans

1.4.1- Integrate other plans that affect the project with the project plan. 1.4.2- Incorporate into the project plan the definitions of measures and measurement activities for managing the project. 1.4.3- Identify and analyze product and project interface risks. 1.4.4- Schedule the tasks in a sequence that accounts for critical development factors and project risks. 1.4.5- Incorporate the plans for performing peer reviews on the work products of the project's defined process. 1.4.6- Incorporate the training needed to perform the project’s defined process in the project’s training plans. 1.4.7- Establish objective entry and exit criteria to authorize the initiation and completion of the tasks described in the work breakdown structure (WBS). 1.4.8- Ensure that the project plan is appropriately compatible with the plans of relevant stakeholders. 1.4.9- Identify how conflicts will be resolved that arise among relevant stakeholders.

SP 1.5 - Manage the Project using the Integrated Plans

1.5.1- Implement the project’s defined process using the organization's process asset library. 1.5.2- Monitor and control the project’s activities and work products using the project’s defined process, project plan, and other plans that affect the project. 1.5.3- Obtain and analyze the selected measures to manage the project and support the organization’s needs. 1.5.4- Periodically review and align the project’s performance with the current and anticipated needs, objectives, and requirements of the organization, customer, and end users, as appropriate.

SP 1.6- Establish Integrated Teams

1.6.1- Establish and maintain the project’s shared vision 1.6.2- Establish and maintain the integrated team structure 1.6.3- Establish and maintain each integrated team 1.6.4- Periodically evaluate the integrated team structure and composition.

SP 1.7 - Contribute to the Organizational Process Assets

1.7.1- Propose improvements to organizational process assets. 1.7.2- Store process and product measures in the organization’s measurement repository. 1.7.3- Submit documentation for possible inclusion in the organization’s process asset library 1.7.4- Document lessons learned from the project for inclusion in the organization’s process asset library. 1.7.5- Provide process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing the organization’s set of standard processes in support of the organization’s process monitoring activities.

Productos de trabajo típicos

The project’s defined process (SP 1.1) Project estimates (SP 1.2) Project plans (SP 1.2) Equipment and tools for the project (SP 1.3) Installation, operation, and maintenance manuals for the project work environment (SP 1.3) User surveys and results (SP 1.3) Usage, performance, and maintenance records (SP 1.3) Support services for the project’s work environment (SP 1.3)

Integrated plans (SP 1.4) Work products created by performing the project’s defined process (SP 1.5) Collected measures and progress records or reports (SP 1.5) Revised requirements, plans, and commitments (SP 1.5) Integrated plans (SP 1.5) Documented shared vision (SP 1.6) List of team members assigned to each integrated team (SP 1.6) Integrated team charters (SP 1.6) Periodic integrated team status reports (SP 1.6) Proposed improvements to the organizational process assets (SP 1.7) Actual process and product measures collected from the project (SP 1.7) Documentation (SP 1.7) Process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing the organization’s set of standard processes on the project (SP 1.7)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Tailored supplier processes that interface with the acquirer’s defined process (SP 1.1) Supplier plans (SP 1.4) Supplier project progress and performance reports (SP 1.5)

SG 2 - Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders

SP 2.1 - Manage Stakeholder Involvement

2.1.1- Coordinate with relevant stakeholders who should participate in project activities. 2.1.2- Ensure work products that are produced to satisfy commitments meet the requirements of the recipient. 2.1.3- Develop recommendations and coordinate actions to resolve misunderstandings and problems with requirements.

SP 2.2 - Manage Dependencies

2.2.1- Conduct reviews with relevant stakeholders. 2.2.2- Identify each critical dependency. 2.2.3- Establish need dates and plan dates for each critical dependency based on the project schedule. 2.2.4- Review and get agreement on commitments to address each critical dependency with those responsible for providing the work product and those receiving the work product. 2.2.5- Document critical dependencies and commitments. 2.2.6- Track critical dependencies and commitments and take corrective action as appropriate.

SP 2.3 - Resolve Coordination Issues

2.3.1- Identify and document issues. 2.3.2- Communicate issues to relevant stakeholders. 2.3.3- Resolve issues with relevant stakeholders. 2.3.4- Escalate to appropriate managers those issues not resolvable with relevant stakeholders. 2.3.5- Track the issues to closure. 2.3.6- Communicate with relevant stakeholders on the status and resolution of the issues.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Agendas and schedules for collaborative activities (SP 2.1) Documented issues (SP 2.1) Recommendations for resolving relevant stakeholder issues (SP 2.1) Defects, issues, and action items resulting from reviews with relevant stakeholders (SP 2.2) Critical dependencies (SP 2.2) Commitments to address critical dependencies (SP 2.2) Status of critical dependencies (SP 2.2) Relevant stakeholder coordination issues (SP 2.3) Status of relevant stakeholder coordination issues (SP 2.3)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Documented issues (SP 2.1) Status of critical dependencies (SP 2.2)


El propósito de Organizational Training (OT), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, es desarrollar las técnicas y conocimiento de la gente que cumple roles de manera eficiente y efectiva. OT incluye entrenamiento para el soporte de los objetivos de negocio estratégico y para cumplir con las necesidades de entrenamiento táctico necesarias para el proyecto y para el grupo de soporte. Los grupos del proyecto y de soporte son responsables de identificar y tratar las necesidades de entrenamiento específico.

Un programa de entrenamiento organizacional involucra lo siguiente: (1) Identificar el entrenamiento necesario, (2) Obtener y suministrar el entrenamiento que tratan las necesidades del proyecto, (3) Establecer y mantener la capacidad de entrenamiento, (4) Establecer y mantener los registros de entrenamiento y (5) Evaluar la eficacia del entrenamiento.

Un entrenamiento efectivo requiere de la evolución de las necesidades, planificación, diseño instructivo y medios de entrenamiento. Los principales componentes del entrenamiento incluyen: (1) programa de desarrollo de entrenamiento administrado, (2) planes documentados, (3) personal con conocimiento apropiado y (4) mecanismos para medir la efectividad del programa de entrenamiento.

La identificación de las necesidades de entrenamiento del proceso está basada en las técnicas que son necesarias para efectuar el conjunto de procesos estándares de la organización.

OT se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de proceso: OPD, PP y DAR.

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas especificas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Establish an OT Capability

SP 1.1 - Establish Strategic Training Needs

1.1.1- Analyze the organization’s strategic business objectives and process improvement plan to identify potential future training needs. 1.1.2- Document the strategic training needs of the organization. 1.1.3- Determine the roles and skills needed to perform the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.1.4- Document the training needed to perform the roles in the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.1.5- Document the training needed to maintain the safe, secure and continued operation of the business. 1.1.6- Revise the organization’s strategic needs and required training as necessary.

SP 1.2 - Determine Which Training Needs Are the Responsibility of the Organization

1.2.1- Analyze the training needs identified by projects and support groups. 1.2.2- Negotiate with projects and support groups on how their training needs will be satisfied. 1.2.3- Document the commitments for providing training support to projects and support groups.

SP 1.3 - Establish an OT Tactical Plan

1.3.1- Establish the content of the plan. 1.3.2- Establish commitments to the plan. 1.3.3- Revise the plan and commitments as necessary.

SP 1.4 - Establish a Training Capability

1.4.1- Select appropriate approaches to satisfy organizational training needs. 1.4.2- Determine whether to develop training materials internally or to acquire them externally. 1.4.3- Develop or obtain training materials. 1.4.4- Develop or obtain qualified instructors. 1.4.5- Describe the training in the organization's training curriculum. 1.4.6- Revise the training materials and supporting artifacts as necessary.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Training needs (SP 1.1) Assessment analysis (SP 1.1) Common project and support group training needs (SP 1.2) Training commitments (SP 1.2) Organizational training tactical plan (SP 1.3) Training materials and supporting artifacts (SP 1.4)

SG 2 - Provide Necessary Training

SP 2.1 - Deliver Training

2.1.1- Select those will receive the training necessary to perform their roles effectively. 2.1.2- Schedule the training, including any resources, as necessary 2.1.3- Conduct the training. 2.1.4- Track the delivery of training against the plan.

SP 2.2 - Establish Training Records

2.2.1- Keep records of all students who successfully complete each training course or other approved training activity as well as those who are unsuccessful 2.2.2- Keep records of all staff who are waived from specific training. 2.2.3- Keep records of all students who successfully complete their required training. 2.2.4- Make training records available to the appropriate people for consideration in assignments.

SP 2.3 - Assess Training Effectiveness

2.3.1- Assess in-progress or completed projects to determine whether staff knowledge is adequate for performing project tasks. 2.3.2- Provide a mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of each training course with respect to established organizational, project, or individual learning (or performance) objectives. 2.3.3- Obtain student evaluations of how well training activities met their needs.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Delivered training course (SP 2.1) Training records (SP 2.2) Training updates to the organizational repository (SP 2.2) Training-effectiveness surveys (SP 2.3) Training program performance assessments (SP 2.3) Instructor evaluation forms (SP 2.3) Training examinations (SP 2.3)

Productos de trabajo del Proveedor

Training records (SP 2.2)