03 August 2010

OT y RSKM en CMMi SVC V1.2 (8)


El propósito de ‘Organizational Training’ (OT), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, es desarrollar las técnicas y conocimiento de la gente que cumple roles de manera eficiente y efectiva. OT incluye entrenamiento relacionado a los objetivos de negocio estratégicos y para cumplir con las necesidades de entrenamiento táctico necesarias para el proyecto y para el grupo de soporte. Los grupos del proyecto y de soporte son responsables de identificar y tratar las necesidades de entrenamiento específico.

Un programa de entrenamiento organizacional involucra lo siguiente: (1) Identificar el entrenamiento necesario, (2) Obtener y suministrar el entrenamiento que tratan las necesidades del proyecto, (3) Establecer y mantener la capacidad de entrenamiento, (4) Establecer y mantener los registros de entrenamiento y (5) Evaluar la eficacia del entrenamiento.

Un entrenamiento efectivo requiere de la evolución de las necesidades, planificación, diseño instructivo y medios de entrenamiento. Los principales componentes del entrenamiento incluyen: (1) programa de desarrollo de entrenamiento administrado, (2) planes documentados, (3) personal con conocimiento apropiado y (4) mecanismos para medir la efectividad del programa de entrenamiento.

La identificación de las necesidades de entrenamiento del proceso está basada en las técnicas que son necesarias para efectuar el conjunto de procesos estándares de la organización.

OT se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de proceso: OPD, PP y DAR.

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas específicas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Establish an OT Capability

SP 1.1 - Establish Strategic Training Needs

1.1.1- Analyze the organization’s strategic business objectives and process improvement plan to identify potential future training needs. 1.1.2- Document the strategic training needs of the organization. 1.1.3- Determine the roles and skills needed to perform the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.1.4- Document the training needed to perform the roles in the organization’s set of standard processes. 1.1.5- Document the training needed to maintain the safe, secure and continued operation of the business. 1.1.6- Revise the organization’s strategic needs and required training as necessary.

SP 1.2 - Determine Which Training Needs Are the Responsibility of the Organization

1.2.1- Analyze the training needs identified by projects and support groups. 1.2.2- Negotiate with projects and support groups on how their training needs will be satisfied. 1.2.3- Document the commitments for providing training support to projects and support groups.

SP 1.3 - Establish an OT Tactical Plan

1.3.1- Establish the content of the plan. 1.3.2- Establish commitments to the plan. 1.3.3- Revise the plan and commitments as necessary.

SP 1.4 - Establish a Training Capability

1.4.1- Select appropriate approaches to satisfy organizational training needs. 1.4.2- Determine whether to develop training materials internally or to acquire them externally. 1.4.3- Develop or obtain training materials. 1.4.4- Develop or obtain qualified instructors. 1.4.5- Describe the training in the organization's training curriculum. 1.4.6- Revise training materials and supporting artifacts as necessary.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Training needs (SP 1.1) Assessment analysis (SP 1.1) Common project and support group training needs (SP 1.2) Training commitments (SP 1.2) Organizational training tactical plan (SP 1.3) Training materials and supporting artifacts (SP 1.4)

SG 2 - Provide Necessary Training

SP 2.1 - Deliver Training

2.1.1- Select those will receive the training necessary to perform their roles effectively. 2.1.2- Schedule the training, including any resources, as necessary 2.1.3- Conduct the training. 2.1.4- Track the delivery of training against the plan.

SP 2.2 - Establish Training Records

2.2.1- Keep records of all students who successfully complete each training course or other approved training activity as well as those who are unsuccessful 2.2.2- Keep records of all staff who are waived from training. 2.2.3- Keep records of all students who successfully complete their required training. 2.2.4- Make training records available to the appropriate people for consideration in assignments.

SP 2.3 - Assess Training Effectiveness

2.3.1- Assess in-progress or completed projects to determine whether staff knowledge is adequate for performing project tasks. 2.3.2- Provide a mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of each training course with respect to established organizational, project, or individual learning (or performance) objectives. 2.3.3- Obtain student evaluations of how well training activities met their needs.

Productos de trabajo típicos

Delivered training course (SP 2.1) Training records (SP 2.2) Training updates to the organizational repository (SP 2.2) Training-effectiveness surveys (SP 2.3) Training program performance assessments (SP 2.3) Instructor evaluation forms (SP 2.3) Training examinations (SP 2.3)


El propósito de ‘Risk Management’ (RSKM), perteneciente al Nivel de Madurez 3, es identificar problemas potenciales antes que ocurran, identificar las actividades de manejo del riesgo que pueden ser planeadas e invocadas para mitigar los impactos de los objetivos logrados.

El manejo de riesgos es un proceso continuo importante para la administración y trata los problemas que pueden impedir el logro de los objetivos. Una propuesta continua de manejo de riesgo anticipa y mitiga riesgos que tienen un impacto crítico en el proyecto.

El manejo de riesgo puede ser dividido en 3 partes: (1) Definición de una estrategia de manejo del riesgo, (2) Identificación y análisis del riesgo; y (3) Manejo de los riesgos identificados.

RSKM se relaciona con las siguientes áreas de proceso: SC, DAR, PMC y PP.

Los objetivos específicos (SG), prácticas específicas (SP) y subprácticas de esta AP son:

SG 1 - Prepare for RSKM

SP 1.1 - Determine Risk Sources and Categories

1.1.1- Determine risk sources 1.1.2- Determine risk categories

SP 1.2 - Define Risk Parameters

1.2.1- Define consistent criteria for evaluating and quantifying risk likelihood and severity levels. 1.2.2- Define thresholds for each risk category. 1.2.3- Define bounds on the extent to which thresholds are applied against or within a category

SP 1.3 - Establish a RSKM Strategy

Productos de trabajo típicos

Risk source lists (external and internal) (SP 1.1) Risk categories list (SP 1.1) Risk evaluation, categorization, and prioritization criteria (SP 1.2) Risk management requirements (e.g., control and approval levels, and reassessment intervals) (SP 1.2) Project risk management strategy (SP 1.3)

SG 2 - Identify and Analyze Risks

SP 2.1 - Identify Risks

2.1.1- Identify the risks associated with cost, schedule, and performance 2.1.2- Review environmental elements that may impact the project 2.1.3- Review all elements of the work breakdown structure as part of identifying risks to help ensure that all aspects of the work effort have been considered 2.1.4- Review all elements of the project plan as part of identifying risks to help ensure that all aspects of the project have been considered 2.1.5- Document the context, conditions, and potential consequences of each risk 2.1.6- Identify the relevant stakeholders associated with each risk

SP 2.2 - Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks

2.2.1- Evaluate identified risks using defined risk parameters 2.2.2- Categorize and group risks according to defined risk categories 2.2.3- Prioritize risks for mitigation

Productos de trabajo típicos

List of identified risks, including the context, conditions, and consequences of risk occurrence (SP 2.1) List of risks and their assigned priority (SP 2.2)

SG 3 - Mitigate Risks

SP 3.1 - Develop Risk Mitigation Plans

3.1.1- Determine the levels and thresholds that define when a risk becomes unacceptable and triggers the execution of a risk mitigation plan or a contingency plan 3.1.2- Identify the person or group responsible for addressing each risk 3.1.3- Determine the cost and benefits of implementing the risk mitigation plan for each risk 3.1.4- Develop an overall risk mitigation plan for the project to orchestrate the implementation of individual risk mitigation and contingency plans. 3.1.5- Develop contingency plans for selected critical risks in the event their impacts are realized.

SP 3.2 - Implement Risk Mitigation Plans

3.2.1- Monitor risk status 3.2.2- Provide a method for tracking open risk-handling action items to closure 3.2.3- Invoke selected risk-handling options when monitored risks exceed defined thresholds 3.2.4- Establish a schedule or period of performance for each risk-handling activity that includes a start date and anticipated completion date. 3.2.5- Provide a continued commitment of resources for each to allow the successful execution of risk-handling activities 3.2.6- Collect performance measures on risk-handling activities

Productos de trabajo típicos

Documented handling options for each identified risk (SP 3.1) Risk mitigation plans (SP 3.1) Contingency plans (SP 3.1) List of those responsible for tracking and addressing each risk (SP 3.1) Updated list of risk status (SP 3.2) Updated assessments of risk likelihood, consequence, and thresholds (SP 3.2) Updated list of risk-handling options (SP 3.2) Updated list of actions taken to handle risks (SP 3.2) Risk mitigation plans of risk handling options (SP 3.2) Updated list of action taken to handle risks (SP 3.2) Risk mitigation plans (SP 3.2)